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The Breedekloof and Worcester winemakers celebrated their annual wine awards at Spier. Anton Swarts(CWM), one of the judges of the competition, and winemaker at Spier has a passion for their region so was happy to host them at the Conservatory at the Spier Hotel. The lunch was a most fabulous buffet – and the award allocations were swift and to the point.
Just a few awards – but the entries were plentiful – 96 wines entered from 22 farms.
The Top Winery award was given to Dr. Alvi vd Merwe, who gave up his medical career to make wines – and his Alvi’s Drift Wines have been turning heads ever since.
The Top White Wine went to Bergsig for their Icarus (Chardonnay) and the Top Red Wine went to Conradie Penhill for their red blend Saw Peak Edge.
Ivy du Toit was also honoured for her achievements – getting the notorious Swarte Piet award which was collected in her absence by Lieza van der Merwe.